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Different Types Of Pain Experienced

Pain is something we all hate to experience. There are so many different types of pain as well. Read on to discover more about some different forms.

Frozen shoulder

Most patients that are suffering from frozen shoulders are over the age of 40 years old, although anyone can suffer from this condition. A frozen shoulder occurs when the connective tissue surrounding the shoulder joint becomes inflamed, scarred and tightens, which can result in significant loss of shoulder movement and pain.

Unfortunately, the exact cause of frozen shoulder remains a mystery, yet it is believed that it occurs following shoulder joint damage or injury, or damage to the adjacent soft tissue. Essentially, it is a knock-on effect of a former condition that has not been treated properly. Aside from this, patients are more likely to suffer from a frozen shoulder if they suffer from diabetes or an autoimmune disease or following excessive immobility, meaning you have not moved your shoulder much, especially if you have recently had surgery or been injured.

There are many different symptoms associated with a frozen shoulder, and they tend to get worse and worse over time, so you certainly should not wait around to get treatment. Symptoms include dull aches, sharp pains, stiffness, difficulty carrying out day-to-day tasks and reduced movement.

There are many different techniques therapists will use to treat a frozen shoulder and ensure movement is restored and pain is alleviated, including flexibility exercises, strength exercises, ice or heat treatment, joint mobilization, posture exercise, electrotherapy and soft tissue massage. A lot of people also use resources like to deal with the pain. They will also provide you with all of the information you need to manage this condition effectively at home, including exercises you should carry out to aid the recovery process.

Olecranon Bursitis

The olecranon bursa is a small sac located at the back of the elbow that is filled with fluid, and olecranon bursitis is a condition that occurs when there is inflammation and tissue damage of the olecranon bursa, which in turn results in pain in the back of the elbow.

There are several signs and symptoms associated with this health condition, with the most obvious being swelling and pain in the back of the elbow, which tends to get worse when the individual is either straightening or bending the elbow, or when they are leaning on the affected elbow. Aside from this, patients may also encounter weakness in their elbow as well as small lumps over the point of the elbow and pain when they touch the affected area.

There are several different causes of olecranon bursitis, yet most people tend to suffer from this condition when they have placed strain on the olecranon bursa because they have been carrying out prolonged or repetitive activities. There are rare instances when the condition arises because there was ben a direct and sudden blow to the elbow.

Hamstring strain

Hamstring strains are very common, and the causes vary, as do the symptoms, yet one thing doesn’t and this is the need to seek physiotherapy to ensure pain is alleviated and normal functionality returns as quickly as possible. This injury occurs when you tear one or more of your hamstring muscles in your leg. It is worth noting that there are four hamstring muscles, which shows why some hamstring strains can be more severe than others, with a complete tear being the worst-case scenario.

There are a number of different causes of hamstring strains, which can be split into two categories, primary and secondary. Primary causes include a lack of stiffness, which means your hamstring muscle is not able to absorb shock and rebound well, as well as poor eccentric strength and timing-intermuscular coordination. Secondary conditions include a wet playing surface putting strain on your hamstring, lower back pathology, fatigue, inappropriate training loads, improper warm-up and poor running mechanics.

There are several signs and symptoms you need to be aware of when it comes to hamstring strains, including sudden and severe pain when exercising, a tight feeling in your hamstring, bruising, tenderness, pain in the lower buttock or the back of the thigh when straightening the leg, walking or bending over and a snapping or popping feeling.

Toe pain

Toe pain is something a lot of people experience, with most people suffering from a toe sprain or a similar condition. A toe sprain occurs when the connective tissue, such as the cartilage, ligaments and joint capsule, are torn or damaged, and this causes pain and can affect normal movement as well.

There are many different causes of toe pain, with a lot of people suffering a toe injury when they are playing sports, especially when there has been hyperflexion force, which is excessive forward bending of the tow, as well as hyperextension force, which is excessive backward bending of the toe. There are also occasions when toe pain can be the result of a repetitive strain injury associated with repetitive activity and overuse.

There are many different symptoms that are associated with toe pain, and people can suffer in different ways, with pain being experienced either at the back, front or sides of the affected joint, with other symptoms including stiffness, pain that gets worse during causative activity, swelling, bruising and pain when touching the affected joint. If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you should arrange an appointment with a physiotherapist.

Different types of pain



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